Why Storyweaving? Writing Coaching with a Difference

Most of us remember the delight of storytelling around a fire with friends or family. That tradition goes all the way back to humanity’s first fires, with the flickering light of the flames making the cave art dance with life. The human imagination is a powerful force of nature, and stories are our bread and butter. They’re so much more than entertainment — they define the culture and beliefs of everyone in our circle. Stories became a template for community, for identity, and for values.

Storyweaving taps into this power, by acknowledging the core stories that make you who you are. A core story is one you’ve chosen to take into your heart and bones and spirit. Our core stories become so ingrained that we think of them as truths.

If you’re a writer, you naturally create stories all the time, whether you’re writing or just driving to a date! And your core stories are therefore even more powerful, because storytelling is how you know the world.

That’s why Storyweaving Coaching focuses both on your project and the stories that shape your writing habits, your beliefs about yourself, and your expectations. As we work together, we reinforce the healthy and evolving stories, and shrink the stuck, limiting stories that are holding you back from your best work. As unhealthy stories become less and less powerful, they make room for your creativity and success.

You probably already know which ones you’d want to strengthen, and which ones you can do better without. I can help you shift the limiting stories and evolve your strengths into confident stories that will sustain your writing practice and publication plans.

Along the way, we’ll work on your writing, too, of course. Your writing and goals for your projects are the center of our work together. I’m committed to honoring your vision for your book, and your voice as an author, in my writing coaching and editing.

It’s all about you, and that’s how it should be!

Write on,



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