New Release: Balloon Acres by MD/DC writer, Winona Addison

There is much to celebrate for author Winona Addison! Her new book Balloon Acres, released on May 17th is #1 in Black Fiction and Christian Fiction this week on Amazon!

Balloon Acres is a remarkable novel about very human struggles and the power of transformation — a timely release as we emerge from timely our post-covid isolation and face the political polarization that threatens our personal and collective mental health. It’s time for a novel like this, about real people and real triumph, a gritty, witty celebration of the power of overcoming tragedies and becoming resilient through the prism of faith, community, and familial bonds.

The Cover of Balloon Acres, released 5/17/24

The novel follows the healing journey of Samantha (Sam) Kane, a strong-willed woman mired in self-imposed isolation after the death of her son, August. Her isolation is interrupted when three balloons intermittently descend on her property. The balloons serve as unusual catalysts of inspiration and healing through their curious messages. As Sam navigates the complexities of her grief and the shadows of past traumas, she discovers the strength within herself to embrace transformation and find solace in her newfound faith. As she emerges from her shell of grief, her choices are inspiring and often surprising.

You can read an excerpt or order the book on Amazon, either the Kindle or paperback version! Let me know what you think, and enjoy!


Final MiniMFA Class of 2023-2024 year: MASTERING STRUCTURE AND FLOW (April 24)