Final Mini-MFA Class for 2024: Managing Structure and Flow
One of the biggest challenges writers face is creating a persuasive flow and a compelling structure to make their story a page-turner, and more publishable. Whether you’re working on an early draft or making final revisions, there are many strategies to take your writing to the next level. Join us and learn how in April!
This class will offer strategies to help from outline to revision. We'll explore ways of structuring your fiction and non-fiction through different prisms, including: setting, character, historical context, and genre. There are many creative ways to build flow and bridge moments in your storytelling to create flow. I'll revisit this year’s earlier seminars (metaphor, narrative voice, character and balancing fact and fiction) from the point of view of flow and structure. You’ll get a two-hour seminar, a workbook (with detailed strategies, examples, and exercises), and a one-hour coaching session.
Email me to learn more about this workshop, or to schedule a free 30-minute conversation about your writing and Storyweaving Writing Coaching.
I hope to see you soon,
Carol Burbank